Practice Breema


Breema offers a profound introduction through direct experience. We encourage you to try Breema bodywork from Certified Practitioners globally and participate in classes or workshops. Sessions and classes foster understanding of the Nine Principles of Harmony, enhancing life's activities. No prior experience or physical prowess is required, as sequences and exercises adapt to individual needs. Benefits include relaxation, pain relief, increased flexibility, reduced anxiety, and heightened energy levels—creating a feeling of alignment with life's flow.

Experience Self-Breema Online

Experience transformative Self-Breema workshops and online classes, offering practical tools for personal growth and harmony in daily life. Explore topics such as relationship balance, resilience through loss, and fostering meaningful connections. Join our supportive community to deepen your practice and live with greater presence and fulfillment.

Experience Breema In-person

Explore transformative Breema workshops and online classes worldwide, fostering self-discovery and mind-body connection. Led by experienced practitioners, these events offer immersive experiences in Self-Breema exercises, partner treatments, and the Nine Principles of Harmony. Join us for balance, vitality, and emotional well-being.

Experience Breema at an Intensive

New students, practitioners, and instructors come to our intensives to learn and practice Breema and benefit from Breema’s experiential approach to living harmoniously. Each intensive is organized to support and maximize our understanding through experiences of being present. Different Breema sequences and Self-Breema exercises are highlighted and every intensive presents an in-depth exploration of the Nine Principles of Harmony, which are the pillars of Breema’s comprehensive philosophy. 

Looking for Breema in your area?

We have dedicated practitioners spanning across various corners of the globe, each bringing their unique expertise and passion for Breema. Whether you're looking to join a local class or simply want to delve deeper into the practice, our network of professionals are here to guide you. Use the link below to explore available classes in your area or connect directly with a knowledgeable practitioner. Discover the transformative benefits of Breema and embark on a journey towards greater well-being and self-discovery today!

Click Here

Receiving Breema, you can have a taste of being more yourself. You get a hint of what it means to be natural, to be connected. Of course, you’re going to lose it. But you know you had that taste. Then, during the day, you can do one Self-Breema exercise, you can work with one of the Nine Principles, to come closer to that taste again. Because in the moment you have a taste of being present, you are free from the mind, free from past and future, and therefore free from your suffering.
-From Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony