Become Certified

Experience the potential of bringing more harmony to your personal and professional relationships!

Enhance your skills and practice with Breema's certification and continuing education opportunities. Whether you're experienced or just starting, our programs offer a holistic approach to personal and professional growth. Discover courses, workshops, and certifications that deepen your understanding of Breema's principles and improve your ability to provide transformative care. 

Practitioner Certificate Program

Becoming a Certified Breema Practitioner offers exceptional opportunities for personal growth and development, while providing you with the philosophical background, practical knowledge, and physical dexterity needed to effectively practice Breema. The program is self paced, features extensive support from Certified Instructors, and is tremendously fulfilling. Those wishing rapid certification can often complete the program in a year.

Continuing Education

The Breema Center offers massage practitioners, bodyworkers, nurses, and therapists, an opportunity to learn foundational skills that bring more meaningful engagement into your profession. Our courses are endorsed by the following professional certifying agencies:

  • BRN (California)

Your body breathes. Your body has weight on the ground. The activity of the body takes place in the present. When your hand touches something, that’s the only moment that exists. There is no “moment ago,” when your hand was somewhere else. There’s no “next moment,” when your hand will be somewhere else. Everything you’ve done in your whole life is expressed in this one touch.

- From Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony by Jon Schreiber