Be Where You Are
Jan 26, 2020by Mary Cuneo
Translation available in Spanish
Recently, waiting for the traffic light to turn green, the urgent thought “better hurry up!” came, with its familiar twinges of anxiety. I spontaneously took an impression of myself as I sat there, trying to hurry while sitting still: mind, convinced I should be closer to my destination than I was, and that somehow I was wrong to be where I was and not somewhere else; feelings, afraid of being late, critical of myself; and body, generally constricted, breathing shallowly, pronounced tension in belly and shoulders.
Fortunately, the Breema principle of “No Hurry/No Pause”came to mind, inspiring me to do as I do when doing Self-Breema or giving someone a Breema session—get the mind to drop its concept (“I should be elsewhere at this time”) by asking it to take on the task of registering the presence of the body. I did that, was nurtured by it, and felt grateful to be alive.
Mary Cuneo is a staff Instructor at the Breema Center. Ongoing online Self-Breema classes can be found at breema.com/events.
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